dimanche 13 avril 2014

Telecharger Linux User & Developer – Issue No. 138

ipmaninfo | dimanche 13 avril 201415:26 | |

Telecharger Linux User & Developer – Issue No. 138

Linux User & Developer – Issue No. 138

Linux User and Developer is the UK’s only magazine aimed solely at Linux professionals and IT decision makers. Every month, Linux User and Developer provides the best in tutorials, features, hardware reviews, information and inspiration to help GNU/Linux professionals expand their knowledge base and perform more effectively in the workplace. Written by experts in the field, the magazine also features informative interviews with leading figures from the GNU/Linux scene and high-profile companies that have built their businesses using OpenSource software.
Linux User & Developer – Issue No. 138
English | 100 pages | True PDF | 26.00 Mb
Date Magazine : 2014
Genre : Actualité
Langue : Anglais
Format : Pdf
Hebergeur : Multi
Taille : 26.00 Mb

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